Wildfire Global

Executive Coaching for the top 3% Leaders, Executives, Influencers, and Entrepreneurs who have a proven track record of success. 


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About wildfire global

Leadership to the Highest Power

Kimberly is the Founder of Wildfire Global, a boutique Kimberly firm for high-impact, conscious leaders and entrepreneurs. She envisions a world where a diverse slate of empowered, intuitive leaders are guiding the top corporations, businesses and political offices.

Kimberly has mentored, advised, coached and sponsored hundreds of leaders over the years.

Her clients are courageous leaders with a proven track record of success and who also have a deep longing to experience unfettered power, so they can experience more love, money, power, pleaaure and respect in their lives with ease and grace.

Kimberly is fire: an activation, a clearing, a divine feminine energetic force that helps us remember who we are. During my Akashic Records reading, Kimberly not only opened the records, she catalyzed a force of love that ignited a reawakening with me. The serendipitous messages that occurred—even immediately—after our session showed the power of how The Mystery can unfold in our lives when we listen. And Kimberly knows how to listen.  

As a shamanic seer, I trust her.  

As a truth teller, I trust her.  

As a fire-starter, I trust her.  

You should, too. 

Rebecca Cavendar  

Inspirational. This is the first thing that comes to mind when I think as to why I would recommend Kimberly. I met Kimberly few years ago ago on a retreat she was on. Little did I know that us meeting would have such an impact on me years later. Her magic has kept us in touch and she has literally sparked inspiration into my life when I needed it the most.
Even through the years we’ve lived so far from one another, distance has never gotten in the way of her shedding light, wisdom, and inspiration into my life.
Michelle Nayebkhil

Kimberly is a Badass Goddess who sees the Badass Goddess in me. She holds the highest vision for our work together, which inspires me to hold myself to the highest, most expanded vision of myself and what I create in my life. She listens in silence when I need to be heard—and when I need to hear myself. She insightfully nudges and questions me, pushing me to look at myself from a position of sovereign authority and truth. She cheers me on and relentlessly reminds me of my strength and my right to show up in the world exactly as I am. She holds me accountable to stepping up and doing the work I’m meant to do. Kimberly works with grace and fiercely loving presence. She models for me what it is to be authentically, unapologetically, powerfully feminine. 

Jennifer Hasenyager

Akashic Records

Leadership Assessment


Your Akashic Records are your own personal sacred library where your origin and future story are safe-guarded by a collection of divine, benevolent guides. They are the divine truth of who you are, and who came into this lifetime to become.