
Consciously Living & Leading On Purpose Summit

Unlocking The Abundance Code Summit

The Divine Feminine Summit


Who Do You Think You Are?

The “Who Do You Think You Are?” Speaker Series and Workshops explore the deep question of who you truly are as a leader and human being.

Together, we explore and inventory the stories you habitually tell yourself about who you are to examine which serve you in living to your full potential, and which hold you back. The stories you have been habitually telling yourself are not who you are. The beliefs that limit your highest potential and no longer serve you are not who you are.

The expectations and opinions of others are not who you are. You are a powerful co-creator, a spirit having a human experience. Knowing who you are is essential to everything. You are energy and imbued with the same power that creates worlds. This unique speaker series breaks down long-held beliefs and conditioned thinking to guide leaders to unlock the doors that lead to a life of ultimate career and life satisfaction.

Divine Leadership Alchemy

Wildfire Global’s Leadership Alchemy Program is designed for leaders, executives and entrepreneurs to shift their energy, release limiting beliefs and deliberately create, lead and live at their highest potential.

Designed and facilitated by KGUN, the corporate coaching program leverages her 20 years of experience as a senior executive who has coached hundreds of leaders as well as her life as a working mom and wife to evidence to participants that an abundant, balanced and fulfilling life is well within reach. Leadership Alchemy is designed to deliver high-performance business results and meaningful, sustainable transformation. Kimberly works with leaders to:

  • Shift their energy to maximize their highest potential
  • Create a holistic mindfulness practice that serves the whole person
  • Transform their communication style through the practice of intuitive listening
  • Create a personal brand that aligns with their values, new beliefs and unique gifts
  • Develop a personal Leadership Alchemy Life Mastery plan that is actionable and measurable

Leadership Alchemy is a complete coaching system with measurable tracking. Kimberly’s expertise in energy coaching, leadership and the universal laws that govern us all are the cornerstones of this unique, effective and game-changing program. When you choose to engage with Kimberly, you get a confidential, holistic leadership and transformation program that is centered on:

  • Comprehensive leadership assessments
  • Balanced, action-based feedback in an environment free from judgment
  • Clear accountability and support
  • Specific, confidential guidance to fuel your progress and help you play full out

If you are ready now to uplevel the leadership capacity of your organization, contact Kimberly.

Beyond Brand

Level up Your Personal Brand to Divine Embodied Leadership. Enter into any serious conversation about leadership and the subject of personal brand will surely come up at some point.  

For years, we’ve been taught that one of the keys to the corner office is building a solid brand and reputation.   And while that is true, it’s not the whole truth.   We all know stories of leaders who have fallen from grace, because their actions were not aligned with the brand they projected.  This can also be observed with businesses and corporations that, once bastions of their industry, are now penny stock if not shuttered entirely.   

Conscious leaders understand that embodiment is the best way to create a sustainable career. They know that their team, clients, peers & colleagues care more about who you are Be-ing than what they say they believe in. People follow leaders who are the living expression of their values and beliefs.     

In this dynamic and inspirational speech, Kimberly shares her personal journey that that led her ditch the brand and create her own embodiment plan which she credits with being the guiding force that led her to become the youngest African American female to become a Senior Executive at the Fortune 7 firm where she led teams as large as 10,000 employees.  

One part inspiration and one part practicum, your audience will walk away from this keynote speech with a clear idea of how to create their own Divine Leadership Embodiment Plan, so they can begin their own journey to empowered, authentic leadership with ease and grace.   

My Work

heal your

Relationship With Power

About Me

Kimberly is the CEO & Founder of Wildfire Global, a boutique advisory firm for high-impact, conscious female leaders. She envisions a world where a diverse slate of empowered, intuitive female leaders are guiding the top corporations, businesses and political offices.

Kimberly has mentored, advised, coached and sponsored hundreds of leaders over the years.

After more than 20 years at a Fortune 7 firm where she led teams as large as 10,000 employees and managed portfolios valued at more than $14B, Kimberly traded in her golden handcuffs to put her hand at leading her own successful company.

She’s been a senior executive, married, divorced and married again. She’s been highly sought after and she’s been fired. Today, Kimberly is devoted to bringing all of her experiences to the table in service to her clients in their quest to lead, live and love with more confidence, authenticity and genuine power.

do you desire to live 

a life on fire?